Time by Tia D · 365 Project
So far the 365 project is going pretty well. I am starting to get a little more creative. I always make sure I have a camera with me at all times. You never know what you may be able to capture.
I also really enjoy other peoples feedback. Even when I feel like I haven't gotten the best shot others find nice things to say. Some photos I don't edit or use filters at all and just leave them in their "raw" form. Then there are a few I have cleaned up or edited in iPhoto and/or Lightroom 4.
I'm not gonna lie. Some days I lack creativity or motivation but I always make sure I stick to my guns and get a photo of some sort.
Check out the link above to see my photo from today.
I know just how you feel! Ive spent too much time doing nothing and I dont know why. Not this year Im doing it all